Sophun Ty

When I was born, my parents were struggling to survive under the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. Before long we escaped to Thailand. Along the way I nearly died many times, but now I know that God spared my life so that I could grow up to serve Him.
After returning from the refugee camp in Thailand, I received a scholarship to study and perform at the Royal School of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh. I had a lot of pride about my skill as a dancer. Every day, I worshipped idols and used my skill to serve Satan and the art spirits. During my youth, I committed every kind of sin. I was especially rebellious against authority. Although I was blind to my own sin, I often criticized others for theirs.
One day a friend invited me to come with him to study the Bible and teach dancing as a student/intern at Cambodian Christian Arts Ministry School (CCAMS). I learned that this was a good way to get a free meal! But later on, I accepted Jesus as my Savior through Teacher Noren and Teacher Awmnaw (Gioia).
Even after that, I was still double-minded, often falling back to sinful attitudes and rebelling against the authority of the CCAMS leaders. Again and again, my two spiritual mothers lovingly disciplined me, forgave me, and led me to confess my sin. Finally, my stubborn heart was truly broken and I made a clear decision to serve only the Lord Jesus Christ forever. After that, I got persecuted by many people, but I was able to stand firm by God's power, leaving my previous arts school and joining CCAMS full-time. Then my life began to change little by little. I began to grow up in the Spirit of God.
After God matured me for a long time, my teachers put me into the leadership training group. There I learned how to be a faithful shepherd of the sheep, a manager of the household, and a teacher of the truths of God. But the hardest lesson we student leaders had to learn was humility! In May 2000, my teachers promoted me from a student/intern position to a staff/intern position, to direct the CCAMS Performing Arts Team and to be their partner in the work of ministry. In 2006, I graduated from the CCAM School with the degree of “Arts in Christian Ministry” and became a full CCAMS staff member.
At CCAMS, I fell in love with Reaksmey Long, a fellow student. God has blessed us with a happy marriage (2004) and also with a handsome son, Chasda Isaac Ty (2008) and a beautiful daughter, Hadrtay Kakruna Grace Ty (2013). Reaksmey and I know that God is calling us to serve Him at CCAMS for the rest of our lives. We've dedicated in advance any children or grandchildren born to us to serve Him in this ministry too.
So, whatever it takes, I commit my life as a living sacrifice to my Lord Jesus Christ, to be a faithful priest and apostle in His kingdom, especially using the arts to glorify Him through CCAMS.
Sophun Ty
(Original Testimony Written in 1998, Updated and Posted in 2002, Updated Again in 2004, 2009, 2014)
Sophun Ty
Today is an important day for us graduates, because it marks the end of many years of studying and the beginning of new responsibilities using the knowledge and skills we have acquired thus far. For me, it means a transition into my new position as a full-time staff member at CCAMS. For the other graduates, it means a transition into CCAMS internship positions, where they will gain further training and experience to eventually become full staff members, should they so desire.
Four of the graduates – Rin Yame, Reaksmey Long, Sraws Long, and myself – have already made a long-term commitment to serve our Lord Jesus Christ through CCAMS. Two of the graduates – Lina Pao and Narun Pen – have made a two-year commitment to serve at CCAMS.
I believe that I speak for all of the graduates when I say that CCAMS has because our spiritual home and family on this earth. Our two spiritual mothers have faithfully and patiently nurtured and admonished us with the Word of God for many years. Under their care, our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs have been constantly met.
However, whenever we temporarily forgot our blessings and rose up to demand our own way, appropriate discipline followed! As Hebrews 12:11 describes, the discipline of our two spiritual mothers was not always joyful, but we have always known deep inside our hearts that they disciplined us with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ for our own good and for the glory of God, so that we may one day share His holiness in heaven.
Without the patient instruction and encouragement of our CCAMS teachers – especially Noren Vann Kim, Gioia Michelotti, Tikhia Pel, Rottana Nhep, and Borany Nhim – none of us graduates would be here today. And without our own day-by-day decision to embrace the conviction, wisdom, and strength of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, we could never have persevered to reach this goal.
While working diligently to fulfill all of the graduation requirements, we graduates learned how to sacrifice ourselves to accomplish something worthwhile. We were tempted many times to give up, or to do only enough to get by. But our teachers and our Lord Jesus Christ kept encouraging us to aim toward excellence.
All of us graduates can verify that the CCAMS “Arts in Ministry” diploma, which we will receive in Part Two of this ceremony, is a very valuable document. It truly certifies that we graduates have completed the requirements and that we know the material covered in the curriculum. No one can buy this degree with money or obtain it with influence. No one can cheat to pass the difficult comprehensive exams. And even after we have completed all the projects and have passed all the exams, there is still one requirement that we can never attain apart from the work of the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives – the demonstration of spiritual growth and maturity. We graduates praise the Lord Jesus Christ who has enabled us to finish victoriously!
Sophun Ty