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Cambodian Christian Arts Ministry School


Clearing Up Misconceptions
  1. CCAMS is NOT a drop-in center or a half-way house offering temporary help to large numbers of disadvantaged kids.

    Instead, CCAMS IS a long-term, in-depth solution for the problems of a smaller select group of disadvantaged kids.

  2. CCAMS is NOT an orphanage, even though many of our students are orphans. Unlike an orphanage, CCAMS is NOT a place for orphans to stay until homes may be found for them, or a place for them to stay until they are old enough to go out into the world to fend for themselves.

    Instead, CCAMS IS a permanent home for disadvantaged young people, who are first rescued from their difficult life circumstances and then received as full members of the CCAMS family for as long as they desire to stay.

  3. CCAMS is NOT a traditional style school, (a) where students live at their individual homes or at an organization and attend classes at a school outside, (b) nor is CCAMS an elite boarding school where students live and study during school terms and return home during vacations; (c) also, unlike traditional style schools, CCAMS does NOT expect all students to automatically leave after graduation.

    Instead, CCAMS IS (a) both a full-time home and a full-time school, where students live and study through individualized home-schooling. Since our students come to us already behind in school, this year-round program offers valuable time to supplement their education. (b) The CCAMS school schedule provides periodic breaks from studies to celebrate internally as a family, or to enjoy fieldtrips as a family. Closing CCAMS for long vacations would be untenable, since our students would have no safe place to go during that time. (c) Students may decide to leave at any time, but after graduation they are given opportunity to choose a career as a full-time CCAMS staff member, helping teach the next generation. We pray that this would become a trend, resulting in multiplication of the ministry by providing leaders and teachers for new CCAM schools.

  4. CCAMS is NOT a "free ride" without expectation of in-kind compensation.

    Instead, CCAMS IS a place to learn and practice responsibility and faithfulness through activities like cooking, house cleaning, or student teaching. Although everything at CCAMS is given free to disadvantaged students who could not pay for it, nevertheless, CCAMS students are expected to demonstrate gratefulness (a) by cooperating with the program, obeying the school rules, and applying diligence in their studies and other responsibilities, and (b) by preparing themselves for a life of service to society and the Kingdom of God.

  5. CCAMS is NOT a place to spend one's life isolated from the world like monks in a monastery.

    Instead, CCAMS IS a safe place of refuge from the abuses of this world, so that healing may take place. CCAMS IS a protected place conducive to seeking God and forsaking sin, surrounded by others making the same journey. God is calling out of the world people to be redeemed and purified, so that He can send them back into the world as His servants and His witnesses --- transformed people who are "in" the world, but not "of" the world. So, while being healed and purified in the nurturing CCAMS environment, students are also encouraged to actively participate with CCAMS in God's ultimate purpose of reaching out to all the other hopeless people of the world like they used to be.