Whether young or old, human beings often find themselves participating in sinful practices to get what they want. In this story, 8-year-old Miknia represents us all. Following the lust of her eyes, she strongly desires to own a beautiful doll, but does not have the money to buy it. Therefore, in order to get money, she begins to selfishly charge her relatives to do favors that she used to do for free. When this method of getting money proves too slow, Miknia becomes impatient and decides to steal the rest of the money. But then she discovers to her dismay that the coveted doll is no longer waiting for her at the store. The resolution of this story shows how Miknia's earthly father and Heavenly Father work in partnership to teach her important lessons about confessing sin, submitting to discipline, and receiving forgiveness and restoration.
To order copies of "Miknia's Doll" in Khmer, send an email to the following address: fountofwisdom@online.com.kh
Fount of Wisdom Publishing House
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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