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November 1, 2007

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

Thank you for praying for Buntheep's healing and for asking God to provide whatever is needed.

So far, $5,400 has been donated to help with medical expenses. That should cover travel expenses for Buntheep and Gioia to go wherever the Lord provides free medical treatment. Praise the Lord!

Following are hospital/physician options being researched (none definite yet):

  • Thailand - no appropriate options found
  • Singapore - Singapore General Hospital?
  • U.S.A.
    1. St. Jude's Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee - apparently only helps those having a malignant biopsy, and only if teaching staff are studying that type tumor at the time
    2. Wyler's Children's Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee
    3. University of Hawaii Medical Center
    4. Baptist Hospital, Pensacola, Florida
    5. St. Louis Children's Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri
    6. Chicago
  • Germany? Australia?

Following are U.S. medical funding organizations being researched:

  • Samaritan's Purse - apparently they only help with heart ailments
  • Shriners - apparently no help offered for cancers or tumors
  • Help the Children - Spokane, Washington?

Please let us know if you have any medical or funding connections in these or other places. Also please let us know if you would be able to offer us food, lodging, and local transportation, should we come to your area. Before our actual departure, we will also need a visa for Buntheep (Quick!) for whatever country God chooses for her treatment. Please pray especially for that!

Please continue to pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will miraculously heal Buntheep by His power, or if He prefers to use a human instrument, that He will provide the funds ASAP to take her somewhere to get the surgery or other medical treatment that she needs. She still has no vision or movement in one eye and has headaches every day. If the tumor is allowed to keep growing, she will soon become totally blind and will also die a painful death. May God have mercy on her and on all of us who love her. By faith, Buntheep and Gioia are packing their bags, so that they will be ready should the Lord's invitation to travel suddenly appear.

Many blessings,
Gioia and Noren

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