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November 30, 2007

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

This past week at the Ronald McDonald House has been a time of physical recovery, spiritual growth, and exciting exploration for Buntheep. However, many of the positive experiences of the first two days here were sometimes interrupted by a nose bleed, headaches, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, and hives. Nevertheless, those symptoms have gradually subsided. In fact, ever since Tuesday, Buntheep has been free of most of the troublesome symptoms and strong enough to walk instead of ride in the wheelchair!

She has enjoyed her new strength by making a visit to Walmart and by strolling around outside. The perfect vision in her left eye remains stable (confirmed by the eye doctor's follow-up exam on Monday). However, the right eye still remains blind. In any case, due to the improvements, Buntheep has become an avid participant in all sorts of activities--new games, videos, arts and crafts projects, puzzles, piano lessons, looking at picture books, helping decorate the house for Christmas, productive Bible studies, and learning English, as well as learning how to make JELLO (her favorite food at the moment). For the past couple of days, it was almost possible to forget about the threat of the tumor inside her head. Perhaps all of these sudden positive changes are a sign that the Lord is actually shrinking it!

This morning we met Dr. Aldana in his office for a check-up, at which time he reviewed the plan for next week. On Monday, Buntheep will be readmitted to the hospital, followed by some more tests. On Tuesday, the embolization will be performed by the radiologist AND the neurosurgeon from Mayo. On Thursday, the pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr. Aldana, will perform the follow-up surgery, assisted by the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat surgeon, attempting to remove the tumor. Estimated time for the surgery--8 hours. Thank you for your prayers so far. Please keep praying.

In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep

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