January 21, 2008
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
This past week has gone by so quickly, probably because a lot has happened in such a short time. In addition to doctors' appointments and routine physical exercises, there have also been some fun times for Buntheep too. We have enjoyed a free trip to the circus, where we watched a great show from a suite reserved for Ronald McDonald folks. At RMH, we played bingo and even won a prize. Buntheep participated in two arts and crafts sessions. Twice we went shopping with Annette. Buntheep enjoyed buying her favorite foods at the grocery store and then helping to prepare a stir-fry.
Buntheep has progressed so well on the keyboard that today she successfully graduated to the piano, which is harder to play, since the keys must be struck rather than pressed. Her fingers are much weaker than before the surgeries. Especially the two fingers on her left hand are still numb, painful, and only partially responsive. However, Buntheep continues struggling to regain her former skill.
Two times, our friend Dale has brought his guitar to teach Buntheep some new songs. She had missed playing the guitar ever since leaving CCAM in November. Although Buntheep struggles with the same finger problems when playing the guitar, Dale was so impressed with her talent that he loaned her one of his guitars for the rest of the time she will be in the U.S.
There has been a great deal of improvement in Buntheep's overall physical recovery since this time last week (when she would overdo her exercise one day and then revert to the wheelchair the next). Since leaving the hospital, she has often experienced nausea whenever she rode on elevators or in a car, but now these symptoms are becoming less bothersome than before. At the present time, Buntheep has pretty much abandoned the wheelchair and can now slowly ascend and descend stairs (if there are not too many of them). Also, the incision on her head is finally beginning to heal up and her hair is beginning to grow back where it had been shaved. However, for some reason, she continues to lose hair on the right side of her head. Please pray that the bald spots there will soon produce new growths of hair.
Last week's appointment with Dr. Aldana was very encouraging. He feels that if Buntheep continues to improve, he might release her to travel short distances from Jacksonville to visit other places and then return in March for the MRI and follow-up. We have another appointment with him on January 29 when he will make his decision.
The infectious disease doctors have ordered follow-up blood tests to be done tomorrow. Wednesday we will meet with them again to find out the results and their recommendations. If the tests reveal that everything is now balanced properly and that the oral antibiotics have effectively done away with the infection, then probably they also will release Buntheep until March.
The eye exam revealed that Buntheep's left eye has maintained 20/20 vision and that the peripheral vision in that eye actually continues to expand. We have a follow-up appointment in March. Buntheep's right eye is still blind, but please keep praying that the Lord will also restore the right eye to perfect vision.
Praise God for all of the positive improvements! Please continue to pray for Buntheep's steady healing into the future.
In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep