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January 30, 2008

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

We attended a press conference this afternoon at Wolfson Children's Hospital, along with doctors and hospital administrators, to help tell Buntheep's amazing story. One of the journalists attending the conference was from the Associated Press. Already AP stories are appearing in newspapers near and far.

Although not yet reported by any of the journalists, when Buntheep was asked what advice she would give another child faced with a similar medical emergency, she answered, "Trust God!"

Each day, Buntheep continues to grow stonger. However, after checking her incision day before yesterday, Dr. Aldana has decided that it is just not healing up the way it should. Therefore, Buntheep will be readmitted to the hospital tomorrow morning for another surgery to clean up the incision and put in a few more stitches to help it heal.

While Buntheep is in the hospital, doctors will also be looking into the knee pain she has been experiencing for the past few days.

We are not sure how long she will be in the hospital this time, but we will be in Jacksonville for at least another week.

Please pray for the resolution of these complications and that there will be no more complications. At the same time, please keep praising God for the amazing healing that He has already accomplished.

In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep

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