July 3, 2008
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Buntheep's recent MRI was encouraging! The tumor has shrunk a little bit. Praise God! Please continue to pray for her complete healing. She is slowly recovering from her fall.
Now that Buntheep's medical follow-up in Jacksonville is complete, we plan to leave Jacksonville today after we pick up the remainder of the 2-year supply of the Calcitonin drug that has been donated! Again, praise God! Then we will travel to my mom's house in Alabama to prepare for the trip back to Cambodia on July 19.
The first of next week, Buntheep will stay with my family and Roslyn, while I fly to Montana for three days to visit my children and grandchildren. When I return to Alabama, we will pack the extra bags filled with supplies for CCAM and Buntheep's belongings.
Yesderday, I got the stitches taken out of my hand, but my hand is still sore and stiff. A long time of exercises will be needed to regain adequate function. Thanks for your prayers for healing.
In the meantime, Debbie has trained Roslyn to give Buntheep her injections. As you know, Roslyn will be accompanying us back to Cambodia, giving me time to recover until I can resume giving the injections myself.
Our brothers and sisters at First Baptist Pensacola have donated all of our airline tickets! Please pray that all airline arrangements will work out smoothly, that our journey back to Cambodia will be safe, and that all of our luggage will arrive with us in excellent condition.
Pray also that we will be able to keep the Calcitonin drug cold at all times, and that the airlines and customs will not hassle us about carrying such a large supply.
We are so grateful to Ronald McDonald House and to the doctors, medical staff, and administration of Wolfson, Nemours, and Baptist Health, as well as to many new Jacksonville friends for their excellent care and assistance these past 8 months. May God bless you all!
In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep