Part 4
April 26, 2011
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
The last time I wrote was in May 2010. Now, almost one year later, Mommy Gioia has reminded me to send this update about how my miracle life keeps growing by the grace of God. For the past year, I have been physically healthy and strong, so there has been no need to report medical emergencies for you to pray about. Praise God!
One time, we thought there was an emergency, because the vision in my one sighted eye began to get blurry, but later we discovered that the reason was lack of proper lighting in the room where I studied. When more lights were added, the problem corrected itself. Praise the Lord!
After all these many months without medical treatment, the tumor has never grown back, so I am confident that God has completely healed me from that threat. Hallelujah! We pray that He will also restore the sight in my right eye, which has been blind since 2007. Of course, that would be medically impossible, but all things are spiritually possible to those who believe, if the Lord decides to perform another miracle.
However, I think He probably can’t trust me with that healing yet, because my stubbornness hasn’t been completely broken. Yes, I’m ashamed to report that my spiritual growth continues to take me on a very bumpy ride. But the good news is that I’m still on the right road making progress toward the goal.
Sometimes I’m rebellious against God and my two spiritual mothers. But they keep loving me, reminding me of the Word of God, and counseling me to follow God’s way instead of my own. Each time I repent and am reconciled to God and to them, we all three join together to sing praises to the Lord. In such moments, I experience great peace and joy! How I long to live there all the time! Please pray for me to learn how to crucify my flesh and walk more consistently in the Holy Spirit like they do.
In February, the CCAMS family traveled to Kompong Som beach to baptize students who had made a firm commitment to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am one! I was so looking forward to participating in that beautiful ceremony, even more than enjoying all of the fun activities. But just hours before time, the enemy of my soul tripped me up, causing me to become angry at one of the other students.
Instead of making things right immediately (as I had learned to do in Ephesians 4:26-27), I kept that anger inside my heart and selfishly nursed it. Even when it was my turn to wade into the sea to be baptized (supposedly promising to crucify my flesh and be resurrected to a new life), I still did not repent. What a Pharisee I was!
After the ceremony, my spiritual mothers discerned that something was wrong with me. They called me in for counseling and encouraged me to tell the truth about my problem (Ephesians 4:25). Finally, I confessed my sin with tears.
But then I wondered—could Jesus really forgive me this time? “Yes,” my spiritual mothers assured me, based on God’s promise in 1 John 1:9. After praying with them, I went right away to be reconciled with my friend. I also apologized to the pastor who had baptized me, and he blessed me in the name of Jesus.
Later, while returning to Phnom Penh, I shared with everyone through the bus microphone my complete life testimony up until that day. Then I made a fresh commitment to worship and serve the Lord Jesus Christ with my life, no turning back.
The rest of the way home, we all sang praise songs with one voice and took turns sharing testimonies and leading in prayer. I could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit in the bus, but especially gaining strength inside of me. I was filled with indescribable peace and joy and a feeling of wholeness.
But when I got off the bus at home, I was suddenly attacked by dizziness, nausea, and a strong headache. I stumbled to my room and vomited in the bathroom. After that, I felt physical relief, but more important than that, I sensed a miraculous release in my spirit, as though some evil presence had departed. This was probably prompted by my public confession of sin and recommitment to my Savior. However, since I was still feeling a little shaky, physically speaking, I decided to take a nap. When I woke up a short time later, I felt perfectly fine again.
Since that day, my spiritual progress has continued to be up and down, but it seems to me that now there are longer periods of “up” and shorter periods of “down.” I have learned how to fast along with my praying, and how to use Christ’s armor and weapons against spiritual enemies (Ephesians 6:10-18). In the name of Jesus, evil strongholds hiding inside of me are being torn down one by one (2 Corinthians 10:3-5), as I continue to confess my own sins and the sins of my ancestors (Exodus 20:3-6; Daniel 9:3-19).
It may be difficult for some of you reading this to understand about the spiritual and cultural heritage that we Cambodians share. For many generations, our ancestors have not only worshiped Buddha, but also hundreds of spirits. We have bowed down to a multitude of idols, as well as to sacred animals, rocks, and trees. We have participated in magic and witchcraft (especially my own mother, who often put spells on me, or dedicated me to guardian spirits, when I was a small child). Those spirits still think they own me and don’t want to give me up. But the power of Jesus will overcome them (Philippians 2:9-11; 1 John 4:4).
When Cambodians become Christians, they need to renounce the spiritual beliefs and practices of their ancestors and dedicate themselves to their one and only God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes this can be a long and difficult process, as I am experiencing. But I have already decided never to give up! Please pray for my complete deliverance.
So now I have recommitted myself to follow the will of God for my life—that special purpose that He had already planned for me before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 2:10). I know that He is the one who brought me to CCAM to save my life, especially from the threat of that tumor. It was at CCAM that I have been lovingly cared for and educated by His servants from my childhood until now. It was through the Bible teaching at CCAM that He clearly revealed to me who He is and who I am. It was through the five-arts training at CCAM that He showed me the many artistic gifts that He has given me to serve Him. And it was through the good example of the CCAM leaders that He has touched my heart with compassion to help rescue the next generation of disadvantaged children, who right now are still trapped in hopelessness just like I used to be. I know for sure that CCAM is the place that God has ordained for me to serve Him.
Recently I helped choreograph a new dance in Cambodian traditional style, and I also performed it on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. What a thrilling experience! This dance is a testimony to all people about the Highest God, Jesus Christ, who was born as a human being to become the perfect sacrifice for human sin, and then was resurrected to be King of kings and Lord of lords. Working on this project has stirred up a new gift inside of me—the desire to create original dances and dramas to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, in addition to just performing them.
There is also another important activity that I’m involved in these days. I am a member of the CCAM academic class preparing to take the 9th Grade government exam this coming July. Since all of us CCAM students are home schooled, we join with government school students whenever they take their official exams. Please pray for us to do our best. If we pass this exam, then we can start studying for the 12th Grade exam.
This month I celebrated my 16th birthday. However, I always want to remember to trust God just like I used to do when I was 12 years old, even though I had a monster tumor growing inside my head. I know that I will always be God’s child, no matter how old I get (Matthew 18:1-4)
I also want to remember to keep serving God with perseverance and courage, just like I used to struggle to regain my physical abilities following all of those surgeries, radiation treatments, and other medical procedures. I know that, by God’s grace, I will surely reap the desired results, if I do not grow weary and give up (Galatians 6:9).
I hope that you will continue to pray for me. May God bless you all.
Buntheep Chun (16 years old)