Jaunuary 24, 2010
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
During the 2009 Christmas season, the CCAMS Performing Team praised God with music, singing, dancing, and drama at Grace Church in Stung Meanchay and at performances sponsored by an interdenominational association of churches in Kompong Chhnang province. In Phnom Penh, we performed at the Christmas Day Celebration which was especially designed by another interdenominational group of churches to explain about the Christian faith to honored guests from the Cambodian government. Other Phnom Penh appearances included performances at Light of Grace Church, a Christmas Gala sponsored by Open Gate Church at Chenla Theatre, and a celebration sponsored by Trans World Radio. I'm sure you will be happy to know that Buntheep performed a full range of dances, even going on the three-day tour to Kompong Chhnang. Thank you for praying for our safety as we travelled around.
Because of our busy schedule during December, we waited until January to celebrate Christmas with our own CCAMS family. This celebration spanned several days and included viewing of the Jesus Film, creating Christmas cards for Jesus with commitment messages, a worship celebration and drama of the Christmas story presented on the new outdoor stage we've recently set up, plus a pizza party and other special food (like Jesus' birthday cake with ice cream), not to mention stockings filled with goodies, gifts under the tree, and hours and hours of delightful play. To make these family celebrations financially possible, we received a very generous donation from a visiting friend and partner. Praise the Lord for His provision.
Back in June 2009, Martin and Rebekah Neil of Voices from the Nations visited CCAM for a week to discuss the possibility of working together in 2010. Tomorrow, they will return to cooperate with CCAM on a special project, filming and recording a DVD-CD Album highlighting the CCAM ministry, to be used as a promotional tool. Please pray for them and their team as they travel here and back, and please keep us all in your prayers from now through February 12 as we work together on this project. You may learn more about the ministry of Voices from the Nations by visiting their website: www.voicesfromthenations.org
We pray for all of you, that your new year will be blessed!
Gioia and Noren