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August 20, 2010

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

For many weeks, we've been getting moved, unpacked, and organized in our new home, while also continuing our regular school programs and outreach performances. However, these heroic efforts were often sabotaged by unforeseen emergencies and setbacks. But, as usual, God has given us the final victory!

One of the most serious setbacks was a hard disk crash on Gioia's computer where CCAM ministry files are stored. Fortunately, we saved most photos and documents before the computer breathed its last, but all of the emails and the address book perished. Because of our recent circumstances, Gioia was already behind in her correspondence, so if any of you have not received replies to emails you sent during the past few months, please write to us again.

Now this emergency is past. The Lord has provided us a new computer, better than the one that crashed. He also brought from the UK a long time friend and ministry partner, David Bookham, to give technical advice, install new software, and troubleshoot problems. David also helped Sophun set up the new computer lab for the CCAM school.

Special donations from Kevin and Sraws Flynn in the UK are now helping to fund our DSL internet access, thankfully replacing the antiquated dial-up system. This will greatly improve the new computer's capabilities and efficiency. As you may remember, Srey Sraws Long is a CCAM graduate who met Kevin Flynn on CCAM's 2006 European Tour. They got married in 2009.

In future emails, we will report on the progress of two ongoing projects, soon to be completed:

1) the CD-DVD Promotional Album about CCAM, "Garlands for Ashes," being prepared by Martin and Rebekah Neil and Jerry Curd of Voices from the Nations (UK); and

2) the redesigning and updating of the CCAM website, with the help of three talented volunteers: webmaster, Daniel Pak (U.S./Cambodia); designer, Justin DeLucia (UK); and photographer, Kathy Amstutz (U.S./Cambodia).

During the transition of our old website from one location to another, the email newsletter function became temporarily disabled. However, if you receive this newsletter, then that function has already been restored. Even though the old website is still functioning in its new location, some of the links do not work properly due to transitional glitches. But hopefully our brand new website will be ready for you to visit very soon.

Please pray for the timely completion of the promotional album and the new website, as well as for the continuing organization of our new facilities.

Concerning answers to prayer during our most recent move, we praise God that the previous landlady finally allowed us to use the $4,300 deposit to pay our last month's rent. And, although the new landlord continued to stubbornly refuse provision of things we needed, nevertheless the Lord provided extra donations so that we could pay for those things ourselves.

Trusting God Together,
Gioia and Noren