December 25, 2010
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
When the Angel Gabriel proclaimed God's special calling to the virgin Mary, she was at first afraid and perplexed. "How can this be?" she asked. But when the angel assured her that "nothing will be impossible with God," Mary believed it. Immediately she surrendered her body to give human life to the only begotten Son of God. Later, Elizabeth spoke about Mary, "Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord." (Luke 1:26-45)
Again this Christmas, all of us at CCAMS in Cambodia are inspired by the biblical account of Mary's faith. Her story still encourages us to truly believe that "nothing is impossible with God." As we review the past 15 years of our ministry here in Cambodia, we recognize how faithful the Lord has been to us. At numerous rough places along the journey, we could have just given up, crushed by difficulties, but Mary's example often came to mind, encouraging us to persevere. Even though, humanly speaking, our calling is also an impossible one, we have been sustained by our faith in God's ability to accomplish His calling through us. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)
Following are some of the highlights of our December activities:
- At New Jerusalem Church, CCAMS led the worship with Khmer Christian songs accompanied by traditional instruments, plus preaching, for the funeral of Sophun's father, who believed in Jesus through Sophun's testimony, and also through the Christian love he witnessed at CCAMS. Unbelieving family members praised the service because it was so full of joy and hope, not full of crying and grief like most Buddhist funerals. Please pray that more of Sophun's relatives will become Christians through the witness they received.
- CCAMS also led the worship with Khmer Christian songs accompanied by traditional instruments, plus Christian dances in traditional style, at the opening of the YWAM Outreach Centre in Tonle Baty. The building was packed with visitors, and those who could not get inside watched from the windows. Please pray that the seeds planted will grow in people's hearts.
- CCAMS joined with many churches for the annual Christmas Celebration at Chenla Theatre in Phnom Penh. The Christians invited nonbelievers to attend. Representatives of the churches took turns officiating during different segments of the program. Between segments, CCAMS presented Christian dances in Khmer traditional style, each having a clear biblical message in the words of the songs. Min Khin, Minister of Religion from the Cambodian government, honored us with his presence at the opening of the meeting. He assured all present that the government upholds freedom of religion in Cambodia. He praised the teaching of Jesus calling people to love one another. He also said that he himself prays to the Lord Jesus Christ to bless Cambodia. Please pray for Minister Min Khin and the other leaders in the Cambodian government, plus all of the nonbelievers who heard the gospel there.
- In addition, CCAMS is scheduled to dance at Amazing Grace Church in Stung Mean Chey for their Christmas Celebration coming up tomorrow.
- Often we postpone our own CCAMS family Christmas Celebration until January, because we are too busy in December helping other people celebrate. This year, we would like to give to our students and staff a special Christmas gift---a bus trip to Kompong Som to have a baptism ceremony in the sea, enjoy fresh seafood, and play on the beach. This time of year is blessed by moderate temperatures and there are usually no storms. Please pray that, if it is God's will, He will supply the funds for this trip, as well as for our annual Birthday Party for Jesus back in Phnom Penh.
Christmas Blessings,
Gioia and Noren