April 30, 2011
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Since the beginning of this year, we have been busy continuing ongoing projects, while also initiating new ones.
Ongoing projects include creating a new CCAM website and a CCAM promotional CD-DVD album. We are grateful to the volunteers who continue to sacrifice themselves to work on these. Please pray that these projects will be completed soon.
In addition to our regular school and performance activities, our new projects include:
- receiving new students (see separate email report),
- choreographing new dances,
- developing new Christian ceremonies in Khmer traditional style,
- preparing ninth-grade students to take the official government exam in July,
- training older students to drive the car,
- translating into Khmer language a Bible study book about discovering spiritual gifts for the Cambodian church (as well as for the CCAM discipleship program).
On Palm Sunday, we presented our newly choreographed "Hosanna Dance" in traditional folk style. The girls laid down their headscarves, or "karmas," and both girls and boys waved palm branches, to welcome King Jesus to Jerusalem and into our hearts. The dance was accompanied "live" by CCAMS singers and traditional orchestra.
The Bible message for the day was inspired by Matthew 20:17 through 21:13, highlighting the shortsightedness of Christ's disciples and the multitudes. They totally missed the true purpose of His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. We reflected on how often we are just like them, focusing on our own selfish agendas instead of on our Savior's eternal purposes.
Jesus had already told the disciples that He must first die for the sins of the people, before being resurrected to His rightful place as King of kings. However, they skipped over the dying part, arguing about which of them was going to be the greatest in His coming kingdom. And even today, we believers tend to skip over the dying part, especially when it means dying to our flesh and being resurrected to a new life in Christ.
The multitudes had often witnessed Christ's compassion to heal and encourage the sick and the weak. However, when the blind beggars along the road to Jerusalem cried out to Him for help, the crowd sternly told them to be quiet. Nevertheless, just as He always did, Jesus interrupted His journey, touched their eyes, and healed them. We asked ourselves, do we have Christ's heart to stop our busy lives long enough to reach out to help the needy people around us?
After entering Jerusalem, the Jews expected their Messiah to immediately kick out the Romans and set up His kingdom. Instead, Christ immediately entered the Jewish Temple and kicked out their money changers. And so, we were reminded that, before receiving God's rewards, we must first receive God's cleansing. Please pray for all of us at CCAM to be cleansed from sin and prepared to receive our heavenly rewards one day.
On Maundy Thursday, after a morning of fasting and prayer, the CCAMS family celebrated the Lord's Supper in Khmer traditional style, serving the elements in a traditional silver service. Daily worship services on Good Friday and Holy Saturday focused on the ordeal Jesus endured as He suffered and died for our sins. Then on Easter Sunday, at an outreach sponsored by EFC at AOG, we joyfully celebrated Christ's resurrection, sharing our "Resurrection Dance" and "Hosanna Dance."
A violent storm erupted in Phnom Penh the day before Easter. The whole city was flooded, reminding us of what happened last year in October. Although the flooded streets delayed us traveling to and from the Easter celebration the next day, nevertheless we thank God for getting us there on time and for keeping us safe.
Because Easter Week overlapped Khmer New Year this year, we decided to honor the Christian celebration first. Then, this past week, we have enjoyed a school break to play traditional Khmer New Year games each day and watch a video every night. Yesterday, we wrapped up our fun by playing at a public park in the morning, shopping and dining at Soriya Mall in the afternoon, and then enjoying another special video in the evening.
From the first week of June through the middle of August, Gioia is planning a trip to the U.S.A. The highlight of this trip will be a family reunion in Florence, Alabama, during the first week of July. At that time, Gioia's mother, Carolyn Thigpen, will fellowship with her daughter, two granddaughters and their husbands, plus four great grandchildren. Recently Carolyn was seriously ill in the hospital, but God has answered our prayers for her recovery. Please pray for her to continue to improve and gain back her strength.
During this trip, Gioia might also be able to travel to various places to share personally with partners and friends about the ministry of CCAMS in Cambodia. If anyone is interested, please contact Gioia at the email address below to make plans.
Easter blessings,
Gioia and Noren