June 19, 2011
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Praise God! Phase One of the new CCAM website is now "LIVE" on the internet. The address is the same as before: www.ccamvision.org.
We invite you to view it and give your evaluations. What do you especially like about it? Is anything missing that you would like to see?
At the bottom of the Home Page, you can click on a Website Map to show what is currently available on Phase One and what is planned for Phase Two. The Home Page and the four left links give an overview of the whole ministry with photos and explanations. Clicking on the underlined words in the "blurbs" at the bottom of each page opens special photo galleries. The top links provide other important information, including more photos.
Praise the Lord for providing this wonderful promotional outreach to present and explain the CCAM ministry. We are very grateful to volunteer Justin DeLucia of Sanctuary Creative (UK) for creating the beautiful background designs, as well as for his excellent service as website builder and ongoing webmaster.
Gioia is now in the United States. Please pray for many "divine appointments" for her to share about CCAM. Also, please pray for extra funds to purchase supplies for CCAM and to pay extra baggage fees to take them back to Cambodia.
If you want to contact Gioia, you may email her at ccam.arts@online.com.kh or call her temporary U.S. cell phone at (256) 394-8675.
Many blessings,
Gioia and Noren