July 5, 2011
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
In answer to our prayers, there have already been many improvements in Noren's medical condition. Since the last update, those outstanding tests have revealed encouraging results, plus now she no longer requires oxygen.
However, some of the problems that seemed to be resolved last time have now returned, especially the strong headaches and vomiting. Therefore, Noren is still on the IV for fluids. Also, Noren seems to be totally exhausted all the time. The doctor says that, if she does not improve in the next couple of days, he will send her to another hospital to scan her head to see if there is another problem hidden there. Also, he plans to refer her to a stomach specialist to discover what is causing the vomiting. Please continue to pray for wisdom for the doctors and for Noren's complete healing however God chooses.
Sophun is doing an excellent job handling all of this heavy responsibility and communicating regularly with me in America. However, I do sense how tired he is becoming. Please continue to pray for him and for all of the other members of the CCAM family as they persevere under these added pressures.
Pray especially for the student named Srey Nieng, who is the main one staying constantly with Noren to take care of her in the clinic. She is very tired, because there is no good time or place for her to rest there.
Pray also for the six senior students who are taking the ninth grade government exams during these first days of July. Buntheep is one of them, and she herself was taken to the clinic for severe vomiting and diarrhea a few days ago. Now she seems to have recovered and is taking the exams with all the others.
On the first of July, the CCAMS performing team (led by Sophun) appeared at the National Day of Prayer in Chenla Theatre, presenting "The Lord's Prayer Dance." The prayer leaders led everyone there to pray for Noren.
We have also been encouraged by the many emails from you all, pledging your emotional and prayer support during this difficult time.
Many Thanks,