August 5, 2011
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Reports about Noren's recovery are encouraging. Now she is walking with a walker, and sometimes she manages to walk a short distance without it. However, she still suffers from headaches, sleeplessness, and extreme fatigue.
There still has been no definitive diagnosis concerning Noren's current medical condition, especially about whether or not she has a brain tumor. A second MRI is scheduled for August 10. Please pray that the results will be clear, so that we will know what medical treatments, if any, would be required. And, of course, continue to pray for God's healing, in whatever way He has ordained.
I am still in the United States, finishing up important ministry and personal business. My target date to return to Cambodia is August 19, arriving on the 20th. If Noren's diagnosis necessitates her coming to the U.S. for treatment, then I may need to delay my return to assist her. Please pray for God's will to be done and for my responsibilities to be confirmed.
Today I will be traveling to Pensacola to share about CCAM at Grace Community Church on Sunday morning. Please pray for traveling mercies and for divine appointments. If anyone would like to meet with me while I am there, please contact me on my cell phone: 256-394-8675.
Thanks again for all of your support and encouragement.
Persevering in Prayer,