August 16, 2011
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
My departure date to return to Cambodia is this Friday, August 19. Please pray for traveling mercies for me, as well as for the safe passage of extra bags filled with supplies that will be traveling with me. Pray that the airlines will receive all of the baggage that I bring to the airport and not charge more than they have quoted by telephone.
Praise God for yet another answer to prayer! After reviewing Noren's most recent MRI, the Cambodian doctors now agree that she does NOT have a tumor---only evidence of a stroke. So if there had been a tumor previously, God has apparently ZAPPED it! Noren is doing better each day, but progress is painfully slow, so please continue to pray for her steady improvement.
A special thanks to those of you who gave donations to help pay medical bills, to purchase supplies to take back, and to pay the extra baggage fees. And thanks also to those brave souls who will be accompanying me and the baggage to the airport in the middle of the night! I can hardly wait to return to my Cambodian family again, even though I am sad to leave behind everyone here.
A few days ago, there were heavy rains in Phnom Penh that flooded the streets in front of our center, including the courtyard of the house where I stay. This caused water to rise up in one of the bathrooms. Our older boy students spent the night at that house, taking turns bailing water into the toilet to avoid flooding the main part of the house. Please pray for continued protection from flooding during the rest of the rainy season (until the end of November).
Even though I am now returning to the other side of the world, we can still stay connected by email and Skype, and especially through prayer in the Holy Spirit.
Persevering in Prayer,