August 29, 2011
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
As jetlag fades, the old and new realities of life are slowly becoming integrated. Here at the CCAM center in Phnom Penh, all members of the CCAM family can once again meet face-to-face to pray and worship together, share stories of recent experiences, and celebrate many answers to prayer. We have been amazed at the breathtaking memorial to God's goodness that has emerged from our testimonies.
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
Of course, not everything that happens to God's people is good. There are consequences for sin, both our own and other people's. And we know from the Book of Job that God allows the evil one to bring tribulations upon His people to test them or to shake them from lethargy. However, whenever trouble comes to those who love God and follow His calling, He nevertheless promises to bring good out of it, just as Romans 8:28 declares and the end of the Book of Job illustrates.
During the past three months, trials and tribulations have assailed us from every direction, and yet God's provision and deliverance have miraculously sustained us as we continued to pray to Him. First of all, Noren almost died from pneumonia combined with asthma and other upper respiratory conditions. Then, just as we were rejoicing at God's healing of those illnesses, Noren suffered a stroke, but miraculously survived. While she was still struggling to recover from that, an MRI revealed that she might also have a brain tumor which would necessitate her being transported outside Cambodia for treatment. Later, a follow-up MRI revealed that, thankfully, there was no tumor. So either the doctors had read the first scan incorrectly, or God had since zapped any tumor that was there.
At the present time, although Noren still suffers from frequent headaches, sleeplessness, and sluggish motor coordination, nevertheless she can walk and use her arms and hands more or less normally. Daily physical therapy is helping to strengthen her limbs. Praise God that apparently there has been no permanent damage to any part of her body and that the medical prognosis predicts a complete recovery over a period of time. Also, Noren's mental condition is excellent and her spiritual health is radiant.
So, in addition to the miraculous healings that Noren has experienced, her growth to spiritual maturity during this time represents part of the "good" that God has brought out of the trouble. Instead of resorting to methods of the past to deal with adversity, like blaming God, or demanding that He either keep her alive or allow her to die, now she has adopted the attitude of Paul.
"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake. And convinced of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith, so that your proud confidence in me may abound in Christ Jesus through my coming to you again." Philippians 1:21-26
Because of this attitude, God opened up opportunities for "fruitful labors" for Noren, even while she was confined to her bed. Whenever she was lucid enough, Noren continued to confer with Sophun to arrange matters at home for the CCAM family. She received the students and staff at her bedside a few at a time to counsel them and encourage them in the Lord. She commissioned the older students who stayed with her and cared for her day and night at the clinic to constantly read the Bible to her, since she was too weak to sit up and hold the Bible for herself. During that time, those students almost finished reading the Bible through and through and, while doing so, enjoyed Noren's ongoing discipleship concerning the meaning of what they read. Day after day, Noren witnessed to all of the doctors and nurses and visitors who came into her room.
The CCAM students who stayed at home waiting patiently for Noren to be restored to them also began to demonstrate some good things that God was doing inside of them. Just being confronted with Noren's near-death experiences unleashed a holy fear within their hearts. Consequently, they spent a lot more time reading their Bibles and praying, rather than wasting time or getting into mischief as some of them were prone to do before. They began to excel in their school lessons and to join together in harmony to accomplish the work of each day, even stepping up to assume added responsibilities to cover for older students who were busy taking care of Noren at the clinic.
Former CCAM students, many of whom had left with rebellious attitudes, heard of Noren's illness and flocked to visit her. They brought gifts of food or money and words of encouragement. Some of them humbly confessed their past sins while seeking reconciliation.
These testimonies represent some of the many good things that God produced from our time of trouble. But we believe that one of the most important reasons that God allowed all of this to happen was to provide on-the-job training for Sophun, since we have been grooming him to inherit the leadership of CCAM when God takes Noren and me home to heaven. During Noren's illness here in Cambodia, and while I was in the United States, Sophun was stretched to the limit, having to overcome his fears and insecurities while dealing with each challenge at hand and learning to trust God on his own. And yet, God did not completely remove Noren and me from assisting him while he practiced standing alone. He could still confer with me each day by email, Skype, or phone. And Noren helped him the best she could from her sickbed.
In addition to Noren's sickness, there were many other difficulties to overcome during this time, like near flooding of our houses, persistent car trouble, and frequent attacks by pests like rats, snakes, roaches and termites. At one time or another, every person at CCAM got sick. However, "many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all." Ps 34:19
Also there were other good things that happened despite the many negative setbacks. I was able to finish my various duties that I had come to the United States to accomplish. God provided additional donations to cover Noren's medical bills. Our older students managed to prepare for, take, and pass the ninth grade government exams. Two new beautiful Khmer worship dances were choreographed. And one of the new doctors who has been taking care of Noren has agreed to offer reasonably priced medical care to CCAM from now on. Please join us to pray for his salvation, as well as for all of the other people Noren witnessed to at the clinic.
Counting Our Blessings,
Gioia (for Noren and the CCAM Family)