December 10, 2011
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Thanksgiving 2011 has already come and gone, but an attitude of thanksgiving still lingers in our hearts. This year, Sophun and Reaksmey planned the CCAM traditional-style Thanksgiving Ceremony. After the call to worship from Psalm 145, the student worship team led the singing, thanking God for all of His blessings. Then the junior choir presented a moving dramatic rendition of a thanksgiving song about the sacrificial death of Jesus. One-by-one, the CCAM family brought original origami decorations (actually creatively folded thank-you letters for God) to hang on the cross at center stage.
Sophun preached from Philippians 1:3-11, expressing his personal thanksgiving to God for calling him to CCAM to enjoy the love and fellowship of the Body of Christ here, as well as for giving him the opportunity to faithfully shoulder his responsibilities of service along with the rest of us. In closing, he encouraged everyone to cultivate gratefulness and thanksgiving in their daily lives and to show it through practical service to God and one another. Following the sermon, Sophun officiated at the Lord's Supper, first explaining the meaning and purpose of the ceremony as taught in 1 Corinthians 11:23-34.
Then, five girls presented "The Bread of Life Dance," expressing in song and movement the Bible teaching about Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, whose body was broken for us on the cross. Then the dancers served as deaconesses, assisting Sophun to distribute broken bits of unleavened bread to the congregation on traditional-style silver plates.
In like manner, five boys presented "The Cup of Promise Dance," expressing in song and movement the teaching of the Word of God concerning the cup of the New Covenant which Christ offered to His disciples at the last supper. Jesus said that the wine in the cup represented His blood which would soon be shed for them on the cross. Afterwards, the dancers served as deacons, assisting Sophun to distribute grape juice to the congregation in tiny traditional-style silver cups.
In closing, we all sang the song, "We Are One Family," truly sensing the same warm sentiment that Paul wrote about in Philippians 1. Then, Noren closed the meeting with prayer, especially thanking God for providing the delicious Thanksgiving meal to follow. During the meal, one of the guests encouraged us by describing how powerfully the songs and dances enhanced the biblical teachings in his mind and heart.
Now Sophun is choreographing a newly commissioned "Welcome Dance" in traditional folk and chayam styles for the annual Christmas Celebration at Chenla Theatre on December 25th. Pray that we will be ready on time, including new costumes and flags, plus "live" traditional-style music and singing!
With Thankful Hearts,
Gioia, Noren, and the CCAM Family