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January 1, 2013

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

A video of “The Dew of Life” dance performed at CCAMS on December 30, 2012, is now uploaded to YouTube. Click here to view it.

“The Dew of Life” (a blend of ballet and Khmer classical dance):

    - The Flower (Pink) – Kunthia (representing God’s creation)
    - The Human Soul (Red) – Buntheep (representing herself)
    - The Dew (Blue) – Dina (representing the Holy Spirit of Jesus)
    - The Sun Rays (Yellow) – Pisey, Rany, Srey Nuon, Soknieng (representing the heat of sin)

Blend of Ballet and Khmer Classical Dance
Hosea 14:5a

Lyrics and Music by former CCAMS student Rin Yame
Vocals by CCAMS Students Buntheep Chun, Dina Pen, Doungchan Loeung
Recording by Voices from the Nations, “Garlands for Ashes” Album
Choreography and Costume Design by Gioia Michelotti and Reaksmey Long Ty


1. The bud appears as the dew drops on the flower stem;
The aroma stimulates, the sight excites,
But with the day’s heat, the flower wilts and the perfume fades away,
And the moist, soft appearance becomes dry and brittle.

2. Human life is often like that flower,
The heart keeps changing, never receiving the truth,
Trying so hard to embrace a world that is not stable,
Producing a life that has no meaning.

Only Jesus is the Living God;
Only He can save you from despair;
He is the Heavenly Dew making your life fresh;
He is the wonderful gift from heaven.

3. So therefore only Jesus is the Dew of Life,
Sprinkled upon you to revive you from death.
Your life in Him will never wilt or disappoint,
Because life in Him has meaning forever.

Most of these dancers just began studying ballet in February 2012, and this is only the second time they have performed this particular dance.

Please pray for the CCAMS creative worship dance program to produce more fruit for the glory of God. Pray also for mission volunteers to come to CCAMS to help teach ballet and choreograph new dances, as well as to sew dance costumes. And pray that our new center in Kompong Chhnang province will soon be built, so that the dance program, as well as all of the other CCAMS programs, will have adequate facilities in which to operate efficiently.

We are grateful for your continuing partnership through your prayers, financial support, and practical assistance.

New Year Blessings,
Gioia and Noren for the CCAMS Family