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July 9, 2013

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

Now our new baby girl has a name—Hadrtay Kakruna Grace Ty. In the Khmer language Hadrtay Kakruna means “grace and mercy.” So the parents have chosen Grace as her English name.

From the video Sophun took of Grace early this morning, it was obvious that her breathing was extremely labored. We praise God that Sophun was able to gather all of the money required to pay for the necessary injections by about 9:00 this morning. This evening a new video shows Grace sleeping peacefully with regular breathing, even though she is still on oxygen with an IV in her little foot. Another good sign is that in the late afternoon, she was sucking her thumb, which is an indication that she can breathe through her nose while her mouth is occupied. This is also necessary before she can be fed by mouth.

Reaksmey is recovering well at the maternity clinic. Please pray for her milk to come in and to be plentiful. For the time being she will have to pump it and send it to Grace in a bottle. We hope that in a few more days to a week we may be able to bring both mother and baby back home. Please pray for that.

Praising God for His grace and mercy to all of us!
The CCAMS Family