March 23, 2015
January 31: Trip to Kompong Chhnang to visit the CCAM property, to begin clearing the land, and to pray on site for God’s provision of funds to build the buildings for our new ministry center there. Please join us to pray for this need!
February 7- 8: Noren attended a women’s retreat at Kompot Beach. Since then, we’ve been praying for God to provide a way for us to take the whole CCAM family to Kompot for a vacation and a baptism ceremony. Now God has answered our prayers! A supporting church in the U.S. will be sending a mission team this summer to escort us there and to cover all expenses! Please praise the Lord with us!
March 7: CCAM performed at Hotel Royale for a celebration sponsored by True Visions School.
March 28: CCAM will perform two dances at Koh Pich Theatre, “Proclamation Drum Dance” and “Song of the Bondservants,” for the Reconciliation Event, “Bridge of Peace,” marking 40 years since the Khmer Rouge holocaust.
March 29: Two more CCAM students, Buntheep and Rany, will take the first of three government exams to earn a 12th grade diploma.
April 5: CCAM will perform three dances, “Hosanna,” “The Resurrection Dance,” and “Proclamation Drum Dance,” at the Interdenominational Easter Celebration at Koh Pich Theatre.
April 7: CCAM will teach a workshop at Logos School, explaining the process for publishing children’s books, featuring our new book “Never Give Up” by CCAM staff author and illustrator Reaksmey Long Ty.
Thank you for your continuing prayer support! It would encourage us a lot if you would let us know that you are praying!
May God bless you!
The CCAMS Family