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April 16, 2015

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Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

We are still celebrating Easter this week! On Easter Sunday, we were so busy helping other people celebrate that we had no quality time with our own CCAMS family. Therefore, on April 14, 2015, we held a special family Easter worship service at New Jerusalem Church.

CCAMS students played traditional Khmer instruments to accompany traditional-style songs that tell the story of the last week of Jesus’ life upon the earth, culminating with His death on the cross and followed by His resurrection! Buntheep served as worship leader for the congregational singing.

After reading the Scripture passage, two members of the CCAMS Apprentice Team interpreted “The Word of God” song with dancing. As we sang the lyrics together, we praised Jesus, the Living Word of God, and promised to faithfully follow His Word written in the Bible.

Pastor David preached a sermon from Matthew 21:1-9 about the entrance of King Jesus into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. He reminded us that, even though Jesus is the highest God and King, having power over and foreknowledge about all things, nevertheless he humbled Himself by using such a mundane mode of transportation, seeking to interact with and serve ordinary people rather than demanding that they serve Him. Therefore, Jesus is our example for leadership in our homes and churches! And our service to Him should flow out of humble gratitude for all that He has done for us, not from any compulsion or pride.

Pastor David encouraged us missionary artists at CCAMS to continue to preach God’s Word through our Spirit-filled art forms, in both traditional Khmer and international styles! And he exhorted all of our students and staff to be grateful to God for all of the blessings they receive through CCAMS, humbly and joyfully offering their lives to serve Him with all of their gifts.

The CCAMS worship dancers, shouting “Hosanna!” and waving palm branches, welcomed our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, into our midst! Click here to view a YouTube video of “Hosanna!”

Another highlight of our special family Easter worship service was “The Resurrection Dance.” CCAMS worship dancers were dressed in white and gold classical Khmer costumes to represent Christ’s resurrection, as well as our own future resurrections. All of us at CCAMS excitedly joined the millions of global witnesses from the past, the present, and the future who proclaim that Jesus Christ is alive forevermore! Click here to view a YouTube video of “The Resurrection Dance.”

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

Witnesses to Christ’s Resurrection in Our Hearts,
The CCAMS Family

P.S. English translations of the song lyrics are posted under each video screen on YouTube. The videos were filmed, edited, and posted by Kelsey. Kelsey is the one who both initiated and currently maintains our YouTube and Facebook accounts. Please thank God with us for calling and gifting Kelsey to serve Him in Cambodia with our CCAMS family and ministry team! Also please pray for God to call other volunteers to join us too!