April 20, 2015
Click here to view an illustrated version of this newsletter on Facebook!
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
In a previous newsletter, we reported about the highlight of our CCAMS Easter-Khmer New Year Celebration 2015, which was the Family Easter Worship Service at New Jerusalem Church! But in this newsletter, we want to tell you about some other memorable activities that we enjoyed as a family during this holiday week.
Besides playing Khmer-style games (like breaking a clay pot full of candy with a stick while blindfolded), we also competed at BINGO, balloon races, and apple bobbing.
Kelsey orchestrated the coloring and hunting of Easter eggs. Click Easter Egg Project to view those photos. Kelsey also let each student choose five photos from our cache of ministry pictures to add to their personal photo albums.
Gioia led a workshop exploring the technique of creating butterfly pictures with watercolor pencils. Even though this was meant to be just a fun, exploratory workshop, many amazing pictures emerged! These butterfly pictures might be used to create new note cards or next year’s wall calendar. To see photos of this event, click Watercolor Pencil Workshop and Butterfly Art Gallery.
Sophun organized a picnic in the park, including spending time at the children’s playground, playing badminton, and viewing a show of colored lights at the fountain after dark.
And Noren led a Bible Verse Hunting Game, in addition to coordinating the special food during the week, especially home-made hamburgers and fried chicken, plus order-in pizza, and eating-out ice cream!
Click Easter-Khmer New Year Activities to view lots of photos of this week’s activities!
We are thankful to God and very grateful to those who gave special donations to cover expenses for the special food, art supplies, balloons, and prizes! Thanks again to Kelsey who diligently snapped pictures of just about everything that happened to document our very special celebration!
Toward the end of the week, Gioia and Kelsey hosted the older students at their house to view the movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” while Noren showed “The Jesus Film” to the younger students at her house. All of us were again reminded of how much our Savior suffered to rescue us from sin and hell!
“He was pierced through for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5
So now, having been encouraged spiritually and artistically, and refreshed physically and emotionally, we are ready to return to our normal activities and programs. Please continue to pray for us as we launch out to accomplish more creative ventures inspired by God!
Fellow-workers with God and with you,
The CCAMS Family