April 23, 2015
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Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
On April 7, Kathy Amstutz, the librarian at Logos International School, welcomed Gioia, Reaksmey, and Kelsey to talk to the Logos students about the CCAM method of producing children’s picture books.
Kathy showed the students five CCAM books already published that are currently available on the shelves of the Logos library. We brought with us our newest publication, “Never Give Up,” to add to those, making six in all!
We taught the presentation three times—first, for the 4th and 5th graders, then the 2nd and 3rd graders, and finally the kindergarteners and 1st graders. The complexity of the teaching was adjusted to suit the age range of each particular group.
During the course of the presentations, Gioia shared from the perspective of being the teacher of story writing and book illustration at CCAM, as well as the senior production editor. Reaksmey shared from the perspective of being a CCAM student in Gioia’s classes years ago, and now becoming an author and illustrator having her first book published! And Kelsey shared from the perspective of being the CCAM book production manager and trainer of interns to scan the illustrations and prepare the text and pictures in the computer programs PhotoShop and InDesign for CCAM to print books in-house, assembling them by measuring, cutting, and stapling by hand. When donations to cover bulk printing are received, Kelsey arranges for books to be mass produced by a local printing company. Then, she oversees checking those books to choose the best quality to be distributed at local bookstores on consignment. In addition, many CCAM books have been distributed free of charge to poor children across Cambodia.
To begin our presentation, Reaksmey gave a testimony about her difficult early life before coming to CCAMS, as well as about how she discovered many God-given artistic gifts after becoming a CCAMS student. The theme and title of her first children’s book, “Never Give Up,” reflects God’s exhortation to her from Galatians 6:9, which was often echoed through the encouragement of her teachers at CCAMS.
Next, Gioia read aloud the new storybook, “Never Give Up,” as the pages were projected onto a screen for easy viewing. Reaksmey was very encouraged watching the expressive faces of the children as they interacted with her story!
Then, Gioia taught a PowerPoint to explain the production process — from inspiration, to writing, to illustrating, to computer processing, to printing, and to distribution. The PowerPoint included photos of CCAMS students and staff accomplishing the various tasks.
At the end of each session, students who drew winning numbers received complimentary CCAM books as door prizes. Black-and-white coloring pages from the book “Never Give Up” were passed out to all of the students.
Please pray for God’s continued blessing upon the CCAM Children’s Book Production Project! Pray also for open doors to make presentations at other schools. If requested, we could also teach hands-on story writing or book illustrating workshops.
CCAM children’s books are written and illustrated by our students and staff. They are biblically based, culturally appropriate, artistically pleasing, and bilingual (Khmer and English).
For a special donation of $15 or more to CCAM (designated for CCAM Book Production Project), you may receive a copy of one of our books as a complimentary gift. For more information, email CCAM Treasurer, DeeAnn Wilson: coloradodeeann@gmail.com.
Persevering no matter what,
The CCAMS Family