August 21, 2015
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Trip to Kep Beach for fun and baptisms, expenses covered by a visiting mission team from Central Christian Church in St. Petersburg, Florida.
DeeAnn Wilson, Kelsey’s mom, volunteering at CCAMS in Cambodia.
Gioia’s trip to Thailand to present “Discipling Artists” and “Pictures that Preach” at the Global Consultation on Music in Missions. Click to view her presentations posted on the GCoMM website, along with other resources.
Successful first half of Gioia’s trip to the U.S. as reported in recent updated trip schedule. Gioia’s airfare to Nashville has been provided! A host family in the Nashville area has invited Gioia to stay with them during the last segment of her journey. The hostess will provide Gioia’s transportation and be her companion to attend the conference and seminar. Please continue to pray for invitations for Gioia to share about CCAM at churches or other Christian gatherings in the Nashville area.
Two-year-old Grace has miraculously recovered from dengue fever in answer to our prayers! Please keep praying for her full strength to return, because she is still a little weak.
Our new CCAM children’s book, “Never Give Up,” has been mass produced and distributed. Four new books are now ready for publication. Many more are in various stages of production.
Buntheep and Rany have passed the first and second preliminary 12th grade government exams! Please keep praying for them as they continue to study for the final exams to be held on August 24-25.
Kimseng’s mother, suffering from a tumor growing on her neck, was violently beaten by her husband, who also kept her from seeking needed medical assistance. The auntie rescued Kimseng and his mother, rushing the mother to the hospital as she barely hung on to life. Praise God that she received Jesus as her Savior before she died and went to heaven! Then the auntie hid Kimseng with a Christian magistrate in another province to protect him from further abuse. Praise God also for Kimseng’s safe entry into CCAMS to join his two cousins. Pray protection for the auntie, the magistrate, the cousins, and CCAMS from the wrath of the abuser, as well as for the abuser’s salvation.
Finding and moving into a new house that is big enough and priced low enough to fulfill the needs of the CCAMS family and ministry. The best so far is $6,500 per month! Pray that the price will come down. This house is newly built, is big enough, and is located two doors down from one of our partner churches!
Increased financial support from churches, foundations, and individuals, including regular pledged donations, to provide the new provisional budget amount of $10,000 per month; also onsite volunteers, networkers, fundraisers, supplies coordinators for CCAM like Kevin and Sing Kane! Also grant writers!
Soknieng has just had knee surgery to repair a torn tendon and remove fluid buildup, so pray for successful healing.
Healing of the growth behind Rany’s ear. The current doctor does not know what it is.
New tires for three cars ($1,080), plus we will need new cars pretty soon, because these are constantly breaking down.
$190 fee for senior student Sitha to attend driving school.
$600 to purchase 3-month’s stock of rice.
Kelsey’s missionary support at CCAMS to continue through her home church in Colorado after her two-year commitment is finished and her long-term commitment begins.
Project funds to pay music teachers from the Royal School of Fine Arts to coach CCAMS musicians to play newly composed music, as well as funds for recording the music.
Project funds to purchase costumes and props for new dances choreographed to that music.
Thank you for your prayer support, financial donations, and practical assistance!
The donations of God’s people to support the work of God’s servants is “a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God. And (our) God shall supply all (our) needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Colossians 4:18-19
May God bless you!
The CCAMS Family