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U.S. Trip Report - Part One
September 6, 2015

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

What an amazing experience this trip has been! The Lord has faithfully sustained me throughout the often exhausting schedule, renewing my strength “to mount up with wings like eagles” along the way! (Isaiah 40:27-31)

I began by spending 30 hours on the first leg of the journey from Cambodia to the U.S. and finishing with 45 hours on the last leg of the journey from the U.S. to Cambodia! During the whole six weeks, I rode on 15 airplanes and was transported by car on many long jaunts in order to get from place to place. I struggled with jet lag at the beginning of the trip and now am doing it all over again at the end of it. And yet, I’ve been constantly full of joy, as I’ve sensed the Lord’s anointing, protection, and provision at every turn, and as I’ve watched with delight as He perfectly orchestrated every unknown circumstance ahead of me just in time!

When I first emailed my “Tentative U.S. Trip Schedule” on May 15, it was comprised of only two-thirds of a page and had only two invitations confirmed. The rest of the document presented appeals for invitations and for financial and volunteer assistance that would have to occur before successful completion of the planned trip could be possible.

God’s sign to me that this was His plan came in the form of a large donation specifically earmarked to purchase my round-trip airline ticket. Then other donations earmarked for trip expenses were received. My response to these tangible confirmations from Him was to step out by faith and start preparing to travel, expecting Him to miraculously provide everything else as well.

Then, unexpectedly, I received invitations to attend and present at the Lausanne Global Consultation in Thailand just before the start of my trip to the U.S. Again, God miraculously provided for all of my needs for that trip, even though I had no resources available at the time I was invited. Participating in that conference was also an amazing experience! [See Facebook note, “Let All the Peoples Praise You, O God,” July 14, 2015.]

Even though there was only one week for making new preparations between the end of the Thailand trip and the beginning of the U.S. trip, nevertheless I just kept soaring on those eagle wings, and I’ve kept on flying with the Lord ever since! As a witness to God’s power and faithfulness, the two-page final version of “Gioia’s Updated Trip Schedule” was emailed on August 30. All entries for both trips were highlighted in RED, indicating that all prayers had been answered! Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!

In subsequent parts of my trip report, I will be sharing specific stories about how God actually orchestrated the miraculous events and divine appointments. Some of the photos illustrating these stories are already posted in Gioia’s Trip to America 2015 photo album on Facebook. If any of you have additional photos you would like to suggest, or any corrections to offer, please email them.

I feel that God has built up a certain momentum during the past few weeks that has knit our hearts together with the hearts of many of you! Please continue to pray for the miracles of this trip to expand to provide adequate financial support (especially regular pledged donations) and suitable housing for the CCAM family and ministry here in Cambodia! Thank you! May God bless you all!

Still Soaring on Eagle’s Wings,

Soaring on Eagle's Wings - Part Two