U.S. Trip Report - Part Three
September 9, 2015
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Besides fellowshipping with family and friends and sharing about CCAM at local churches, another important agenda for my two weeks’ stay in Florence was to downsize the CCAM storage unit in order to reduce the amount of monthly rent charged, and to pack up more of the supplies stored there to take back to Cambodia. Because of the physical strain mixed with jet lag, I was constantly persevering through exhaustion as I trusted God to give me strength to “run and not get tired” and to “walk and not become weary”! With the help of His “ministering angels,” I eventually accomplished the goal!
FLORENCE, ALABAMA: July 20-August 3
As DeeAnn and I traveled from Nashville to Florence with Pastor Scott, we shared about what had been happening in our lives and ministries. Upon arriving in Florence, Pastor Scott delivered us to the home of our hosts, Pastor Tim Long and his wife Debbie, in-laws through my brother Terry’s marriage to Debbie’s sister Karen Giles. Tim (nicknamed Barnabas) and Debbie, along with their adult daughters Mary, Laura, and Sarah, serve God together in their family ministry of intercession, teaching, encouragement, service, and helps. They certainly put those spiritual gifts into practice on my behalf while I was there! Every evening, we all gathered as a family to intercede for one another and for anyone else we knew who was experiencing difficulties. And when I left, they blessed us with financial donations and with gifts of Christian family videos to take back for the CCAM kids to watch on Saturday Video Night! Even Mr. and Mrs. Giles made a donation!
Since DeeAnn had a birthday during her week in Florence, the Long girls went out early each morning to pick fresh blueberries to bake DeeAnn a special fruit pie and a cobbler to celebrate! Although DeeAnn had never met the Longs previously, she felt included like one of the family, and we both enjoyed our time with them so much.
During that first week, as I struggled to overcome jet lag, DeeAnn drove me every morning, Monday through Friday, to work in the storage unit, constantly staying at my side to help lift heavy boxes, sort, organize, and make decisions. DeeAnn also helped keep me awake by daily trips to Panera Bread restaurant, enjoying nutritious and delicious lunches as we took a break from work.
DeeAnn had joined the CCAM Executive Board as Treasurer at the beginning of 2014, and we had already worked closely together for one month earlier in the summer when she volunteered at CCAM in Cambodia. But this was a special bonding time for us, as we closely shared the joys and trials of persevering by God’s grace through a difficult project together.
The car we used for transportation that week was loaned by the Marchmans, members of Redeemer Presbyterian Church. The Long family helped us distribute the items that we decided to donate to local ministries, like the Restoration Ranch yard sale fundraiser. Also, some drama costumes and props were donated to a youth drama ministry at a local church.
On Friday, July 24, DeeAnn helped me set up the CCAM display table at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in preparation for Sunday, July 26, when I would share my presentation there. After the presentation on Sunday, DeeAnn helped manage the display table, while I was busy talking to interested people. The deacons, as well as individual members, blessed us with their donations.
At noon, Elizabeth Marchman organized an informal lunch for those who wanted to linger after the service to ask questions. The food was donated by the Ros family, Cambodian Christians who operate an oriental restaurant in the food court of the mall. Later on, I visited them in person, and they donated some health food supplements for Noren and made a financial donation to CCAM as well. Two of their relatives are CCAM students who will be graduating next year.
During lunch, I reminded everyone to pray about the need for a volunteer taxi to take DeeAnn back to Nashville Airport the next day to catch her return flight to Denver! For many days we had been waiting on the Lord in prayer to reveal His provision for this need. Then Dr. Wes Marchman raised his hand to volunteer! Being a medical doctor, he would usually be the busiest church member, but at this time he was free because he was on vacation and was willing to sacrifice one day of his vacation to be of service! So Wes and Elizabeth Marchman drove DeeAnn back to Nashville, which provided them all an extended time to develop closer relationships.
Debbie and Elizabeth had volunteered to take turns being my taxi back and forth to work at the storage unit during the second week after DeeAnn’s departure. However, when they realized how much still needed to be completed, and how physically taxing the work was for me to handle alone, they both decided to jump in to be my partners. When it was time to move from the old unit to the new one, other members of the Long family, plus their neighbor, joined the work force!
Near the end, Elizabeth purchased some additional items for us and helped me pack three trunks of supplies to take back to Cambodia as extra baggage. She also offered to mail some of the other supplies to CCAM little by little in “care packages.” This is a ministry she has performed on our behalf for many years already.
During the two weeks I stayed in Florence, I often took breaks from work to visit my mom, Carolyn Thigpen, at El Reposo Nursing Home, where she has lived for the past couple of years. She arranged for me to share my presentation about CCAM with the El Reposo residents on Wednesday morning of the second week. After my presentation, one of the nurses made a donation and several residents pledged to join my mom to pray for CCAM. The director agreed to put the email address of the nursing home on our mailing list, promising to make copies of our newsletter updates for any resident who requested it.
Laura Long was my driver and ministry partner that day to set up and help manage the display table. She has an ongoing ministry to help my mom several times each week when my sister, Sue Woodward, our mom’s main caregiver, is at work. And Laura also sets up Skype dates for us to communicate every other week by video from opposite sides of the world!
My mom, who has served in Christian ministry most of her adult life, continues to serve the Lord at El Reposo, ministering to the spiritual and emotional needs of her fellow residents and leading a knitting guild to provide sweaters for disadvantaged children around the world through World Vision’s “Knit for Kids” program. In 2014, my mom was chosen as the representative of El Reposo Nursing Home at the State Beauty Pageant in Birmingham, Alabama, where she ranked in the top 10! This gave her additional opportunities to testify about her Christian faith to a wider audience. My mom’s 94th birthday party was celebrated at El Reposo on Saturday, August 1, attended by local family, friends, and me!
On Sunday, August 2, I shared my presentation at Parkway Methodist Church, invited by elder Ed Grissom. They posted a message on their church sign near the street, “Welcome Gioia Michelotti.” Wow! That surely did make me feel very welcome!
Parkway is currently sharing their building with Calvary Baptist Church, whose leaders allowed me to borrow their projector, which was already set up in the sanctuary. After my presentation, a special love offering was taken up for CCAM. Laura Long served as my driver that day and as my ministry partner, setting up and managing the CCAM display table in the lobby, shared also with members of the Baptist congregation, who were welcome to visit our table too.
My sister, Sue Woodward, and her family hosted me and our mom for lunch at a restaurant after church that Sunday before my departure on Monday. Then David MacGruder, a member of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, volunteered to serve as my taxi back to Nashville Airport to catch my flight to Boise, Idaho, where I was looking forward to the family reunion with my kids and grandkids.
Part Four of this trip report will be coming soon...
Still Soaring on Eagle’s Wings,