November 13, 2015
“Rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer.”
Romans 12:12
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Shortly following the amazing welcome home celebration that I enjoyed upon returning to CCAM after my U.S. trip, waves of spiritual oppression gradually began to engulf all of us here. It began with a widespread flu-like illness that proved to be stronger and more persistent than normal. To counter this attack, we increased our prayer offensives, asking God to reveal any sins that might need confessing (James 5:13-16).
One after another, hidden sins were uncovered involving the whole student body, mostly due to rebellion against the leaders’ authority and disobedience to the school rules. These discoveries often resulted in outbursts of anger and aggressive behavior among the students. For many weeks, the CCAM leaders personally counseled and prayed with individuals and groups of students who were involved. As part of their discipline, we organized supervised times of writing and memorizing scriptures having to do with their various sins. One by one, heart-felt confessions were made and mind and life changes were witnessed.
However, there were two ring leaders who persevered in their rebellion, one boy and one girl, both of whom were being trained as CCAM student teachers and leaders and were in the track preparing for graduation. The boy has lived at CCAM for 9 years; the girl for 11 years. Whenever they were caught in any offense, they refused to cooperate and said that they wanted to leave CCAM. Of course, we counseled them to remember their testimonies and their commitments to serve God through their artistic gifts. But they rejected our counseling.
One day, the boy snuck out during siesta time, climbed over the wall, and ran away. But if any CCAM student is adamant about leaving, they don’t have to run away. We just call the people who brought them here to come and escort them out of the front gate! Later, the girl caused so much trouble that we were left with no other option than to call her relatives to receive her back. They did not want her to leave CCAM, nor did we, but she herself stubbornly refused to repent, since she was already bent on leaving.
We have heard that, since leaving CCAM, the girl is telling lies about the situation, accusing the CCAM leaders of wrongdoing. If either one of these former CCAM students should contact you, especially in reference to serving God with you, we hope that you will counsel them according to biblical principles, like 1 Samuel 15:22-23. We also hope that you would exhort them to be reconciled with us rather than to just welcome them to join your ministry.
Some of you may recall a similar CCAM student uprising back in 2005, led by one boy and one girl, both student leaders. After leaving, they lied about CCAM and turned many in EFC (Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia) and in the expat community against us. However, after two years of being shunned (without having any opportunity to explain our side of things), two of our supporters who knew the truth contacted EFC and set the record straight. After that, we were publically exonerated at the next EFC annual meeting and welcomed back into the fold. The two students were eventually reconciled to us as well. We are confident that God will rescue CCAM from this present attack also!
We believe that, due to the miraculous provisions and divine appointments of my recent U.S. trip, the devil is busy trying to neutralize the blessings that God is preparing for CCAM through those contacts by causing the chosen recipients at CCAM to sin against Him and delay the outpouring of His blessings (Isaiah 59:1-2).
So far there has been no breakthrough concerning a new house for us to move into. Also, in response to trip contacts, there has been only one new individual monthly financial donation pledged for two years, and one increase in a longstanding church partner’s monthly donation. We view these as the introductory “clouds” that precede the mighty shower of blessing to come!
Please pray for the devil’s plan to be thwarted and for God’s plan to be implemented, and especially that our prodigal students will truly repent and come back home to CCAM!
Still rejoicing in hope, no matter what...
The CCAM Family