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August 14, 2016

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Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

God continues to encourage us with “signs for good.” (Psalm 86:17)  Yesterday we took a break from organizing our new house to participate in outreaches with Bopha and her nephew Visal at two different locations in the countryside (Poom Kok Awn-dait and Poom Ta-nou).  Bopha and Visal opened with worship songs.  Noren read aloud one of our children’s books, while Sokchea showed the pictures.  Then Noren offered spiritual applications according to the biblical theme of the book.  Before departure, each family received a copy of the book to take home.  Kelsey demonstrated how to brush teeth, and our team distributed toothbrushes and toothpaste to encourage dental health among the children.  Gioia, Tikhia, Kelsey, Noren, and Sokchea took pictures!  Praise the Lord for two successful outreaches!

Noren shared about the Christian arts training in both Khmer traditional and international styles that we offer at our CCAM School (music, dance, drama, visual art, and creative writing) for the worship of the Lord and the proclamation of His Word.  She invited older Christian youth to pray about enrolling as students.  At the end of both outreaches, many youth (about 30 in all) stayed to audition and to discuss enrollment possibilities!  All of these young people are very poor, some are orphans, and a few need to be rescued from abusive situations.  Also, they live far away from Phnom Penh, so they would not be able to commute. 

Since we no longer have a student residential program at our school (due to the new government regulations), we believe that God is leading us to trust Him for the establishment of a boys’ and a girls’ dorm near our Phnom Penh location.  Rows and rows of p’tay-ah-l’veng apartment houses surround our school, and the rent for one of those would be somewhere between $300-500 per month, so the cost of both dorms would be within $1,000.  In addition to the buildings, we need a mature Christian manager and cook for each dorm.

Please pray that God will make His will known by confirming commitments of new students and staff (even including former students and staff made “new” by recommitments to God’s calling), as well as by providing the separate dorm buildings and funds needed (in addition to the continued funding for the school itself).  So these are the next two miracles expected in the restoration of CCAMS:  God’s provision of (1) a full complement of students and staff and (2) the complete funding for all facilities and operating-program expenses!

Bopha and Sarath, former CCAMS students, who have now become partners with CCAMS, have been ministering to these countryside communities through World Relief ever since they left CCAMS many years ago.  They have even been teaching the youth the music and dance skills that they learned from us. Therefore, the potential transition of their students to the CCAM School would be greatly facilitated!  In addition to that, Bopha and Sarath’s two oldest daughters are planning to join the new CCAMS student performing team!  

Only eight months ago, our enemy Satan launched a major offensive against CCAMS “to steal, kill, and destroy.”  (John 10:10; Ephesians 6:12)  And yes, during that time we were badly wounded, but our Good Shepherd has protected us from total destruction and is steadily restoring us!  Only God Himself could have orchestrated all of the recent miraculous restorations that we have so far witnessed!  Therefore, we are confident that He will complete what He has started!

“Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord.
Isaiah 66:9a

Thank you for your continuing partnership with the Lord and with us in the miraculous restoration of His ministry of CCAMS in Cambodia!

The CCAMS Remnant Staff

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