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December 13, 2016

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Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

While waiting for God to call more financial supporters, especially pledged donors, to complete the final miracle needed for the restoration of CCAMS, we have received His temporary provision in an unexpected way!  Gioia just received a small inheritance that she feels God is calling her to dedicate as “seed money” to fund the current urgent CCAM ministry needs, at least for as long as the money lasts!

One of those urgent needs surfaced last week when our new dorm managers, Sambat and Danielle Long, were being evicted from their small apartment on Saturday, because the landlord did not agree for them to continue providing housing for six of their disadvantaged nieces and nephews from the countryside while waiting for the dorm building to come available.  The dorm building rent was more expensive than they could handle on their own, and if they just rented another small apartment, they would not be available to manage our dorm.  On the other hand, they felt strongly that God wanted them to be the dorm parents, not only for their own relatives, but also for all of the other disadvantaged kids already enrolled and waiting. 

As the CCAMS staff prayed urgently for God to rescue our new friends and partners, Gioia sensed God calling her to help them pay the first month’s rent and security deposit at the dorm using her inheritance money.  Therefore, they were able to sign the rental contract and move into the dorm this past Saturday!  Gioia will also join them to pay the rent each month, half and half, plus cover the cost of utilities, food, and other expenses, as long as her money holds out. 

When the dorm is fully organized, we will begin receiving additional students a few at a time.  The CCAMS remnant students, who make up our Junior Dance Team, will be the next group to move into the dorm.  After that, Bopha’s group of students will come. 

Members of the CCAMS Junior Dance Team have recently moved from the countryside to Phnom Penh to stay with relatives or CCAM ministry partners (until the dorm is ready), so that they can attend daily dance rehearsals at CCAMS to prepare for performances during the holidays!

Despite various difficulties, all of us at CCAMS are joyfully moving ahead by faith as God leads us!  Surely the Lord will call others to partner with us in this ministry of financial giving, so that they also may “sow and reap bountifully” along with us! (2 Corinthians 8 and 9)  Please pray!

Partners with God and with You,

The CCAMS Family
1 Corinthians 3:9a

www.ccamvision.org/ (http://www.ccamvision.org/donate_now/)

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