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Ministry Center Building

Estimated Cost



Unit Cost (US $)


Cost (US $)

Training Center Building1

$400 / sq. meter

2880 sq. meters

$ 1,152,000

Site Work2

$15 / sq. meter

15560 sq. meters

$ 233,400

Solar Power System3

$10 / Wp

5,000 Wp

$ 50,000

15% Contingency



$ 215,300







1The $400 per square meter building cost was based on estimates provided by local contractors and the Cambodia government.  Finished construction includes electrical, mechanical, doors and windows, plastering, tiling, and painting.  The estimate does not include money for moveable furniture.

2Includes site grading, drainage, roads, security wall, parking, water supply system, wastewater disposal, and other site development.

3Based on quotes from a local vendor.