December 9, 2007
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Because Buntheep still has a breathing tube in her mouth, she must be kept sedated. However, the doctors have ordered a new medication having a lighter effect than the previous one. Therefore, our communication with her is more positive now. In response to our questions, she communicates using body language (nodding her head, holding up fingers, etc.). Also, her fever has come back down to almost normal.
The follow-up MRI scans look pretty clean. However, they showed what might possibly be a small residue of the tumor on the lower right side (but not near her eye). However, that may be just inflammation from the surgery, which will gradually disappear. Please pray that, whatever it is, it will disappear!
The doctor had hoped to take out the breathing tube yesterday, but her respiration was not steady enough to support breathing on her own. Then he planned to take it out today, but again decided not to do so for the same reason. The new plan is to take it out tomorrow. Please pray that it will be removed soon.
There is suspicion that the particular pain drug that she is receiving is depressing the respiration; therefore, the doctor has changed to a lighter drug. Please pray that her pain can still be controlled using the new medication.
And several times yesterday and today, when Buntheep opened her eyes, tears trickled out. After telling her how much I love her, I also reminded her that there are people all over the world who love her too and are praying for her. Since the sedative tends to make the patient forget easily, I also keep telling her again and again that the surgery is over and that the tumor is gone, so to just be patient until her body has time to heal. Please pray that she will continue to be strong and not lose hope when the healing process, at least from her perspective, appears to be too slow.
We continue to praise our Lord Jesus Christ for his love and mercy to us so far. We have confidence that He will complete the healing that He has started. And we comfort ourselves with the truth that He is never late and He never makes a mistake!
In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep