December 10, 2007
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Praise the Lord for progress! Although we spent a difficult night trying to balance all the medications against their negative effects, we ended up this morning removing the breathing tube! Now Buntheep is breathing on her own!
The first thing she said when she could speak was, "I'm hungry." That's a good sign, although she had to wait a few hours before getting to eat a little JELLO. She tolerated that very well, so tonight she will hopefully begin to eat some soft food. Maybe tomorrow something more....
One by one, the many tubes are being removed, and one by one the many medications are being phased out. Of course, Buntheep is anxious to get ALL the tubes out right now, but a few will have to stay for a while, in addition to the plug in her nose. Please keep praying that she will be patient when the desired improvements are a little slow to come.
Buntheep's face is less swollen now. She has received three more units of blood, added to the one transfusion she received during the surgery. This has given her needed strength. The only real medical concern at the moment is the conjunctivitus that has developed in both eyes. However, she will receive antibiotic drops for that shortly. Please pray for healing of the eyes and restoration of perfect vision in both of them.
We are so grateful for your prayers, your emotional support, and for the encouraging emails many of you have sent. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all for your fellowship with us in the Holy Spirit and for your partnership in Kingdom work with CCAM.
In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep