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December 11, 2007

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

Yesterday we were encouraged by the easy removal of the breathing tube. Even more encouraging was that Buntheep held her own after that, persistently doing her own breathing so that the tube did not have to be reinserted. However, this positive progress was somewhat threatened by negative obstacles.

Pain management was the huge problem all day. From the beginning of recovery last week, many drugs used in Buntheep's pain treatment have tended to depress her vital signs. Therefore, after the sedative used for the breathing tube was discontinued, she suffered from excruciating pain most of the day yesterday while the pain medicine problem was being researched. Fortunately, a suitable drug was found yesterday evening.

Then, after many hours of not giving enough of it, finally the right amount was discovered. Praise the Lord! All last night Buntheep received just the right amount of pain relief, so that both of us could get some much needed rest. Please pray that her pain will subside as soon as possible, so that she will not need any more pain drugs. But as long as she needs them, please pray that her pain can be consistently controlled.

The eye infection seems to have cleared up, but another infection has started in the nasal cavity where the plug is. Perhaps because of this new infection, her fever has gone back up. Therefore, she is still on antibiotics. Please pray for complete healing from this and protection from any future infections.

Tomorrow at noon, Buntheep has to go back to the operating room under sedation to have the plug in her nose removed. At that time, the doctor will need to clean out all of the infection too. Please pray for a smooth and successful procedure.

Thanks for praying for me, as well as for Buntheep. Needless to say, I am physically tired most of the time, but somehow I do get some rest here and there, and I continually sense God's supernatural strength sustaining me.

In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep

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