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December 12, 2007

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

Gioia's sister Sue Woodward called me earlier this evening with an update on Buntheep's condition. Today she had surgery to remove the packing from her nose. There was an infection - a pseudomonas infection - that had to be cleaned out and treated. She's on antibiotics to treat this infection.

While removing the packing, the surgeons did some checking - endoscopy? - and found spinal fluid leaking into Buntheep's nasal cavity. They went in and closed the leaks in the nasal cavity, but to really close all the leaking would have been a serious surgery that they did not believe was prudent. They don't know what is causing this leaking. So, next the doctors inserted a lumbar tube to drain fluid. This procedure comes with a risk of meningitis, so the medicine to treat meningitis is being given to Buntheep just in case.

Buntheep is back in ICU and must lie flat on her back for 5 days. Her pain medication is working well now, and her vital signs are OK. The surgeon reported that the reconstruction work on the walls of her nasal cavity is intact and looks good.

Gioia is very tired. I think we should pray for her health and strength. Gioia also asks that we pray for Buntheep’s infection to be defeated, that the spinal fluid leaking into Buntheep's nasal cavity would be stopped, and that she would not have complications from meningitis. Thank you for your partnership in this. Your prayers are invaluable!

--Joe Ginder,
for Gioia and Buntheep

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