December 18, 2007
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Gioia called me this afternoon to give me an update on Buntheep and her care to pass on for your prayers.
Buntheep's pain management has been an ongoing problem since the last update. Give enough pain medication, and vital signs go down. Drop the medication level to get the vital signs up, and the pain is very difficult. The doctors have now found a reasonable balance, and things have been much better today. However, Gioia's friend Annette, who has been helping by giving Gioia breaks, is sick and unable to help. Gioia herself is fighting a sinus infection and the onset of bronchitis. She's not really sick yet, but would appreciate our prayers that she would stay well enough to continue supporting the staff as they care for Buntheep. She'd also like prayer for Annette to get well.
The good news is that Buntheep’s fever is gone and there is no sign of infection. That's very good. You may recall that there was leakage of spinal fluid into Buntheep’s nasal area, and that a "lumbar drain" was set up to keep spinal fluid from leaking. This drain stopped working today, and the doctors are saying that they may do a surgery to install a permanent drain. Gioia is quite concerned about this, particularly about maintaining this permanent drain when they return to Cambodia. So, she'd like us to pray that it will not be needed when the doctor checks tomorrow (Wednesday).
The doctors are saying that Buntheep will remain in the hospital at least until after Christmas. Thank you very much for your prayers. Please continue praying. May God be glorified in Gioia and Buntheep!
Joe Ginder
for Gioia and Buntheep