February 14, 2008
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
This morning, Buntheep visited the Wolfson operating room for the sixth (and hopefully last) time to have the numerous sutures removed from her scalp incision (which has now healed up nicely). Only a light sedative was necessary, and the procedure took less than an hour. Also, the recovery afterwards was very smooth--no nausea or vomiting.
We are pleased that Dr. Aldana has decided to do the follow-up MRI this coming Monday instead of waiting until March. Remember that the MRI taken right after the 20-hour surgery back in December showed some residue (about the size of a raisin) still left in the cavity. Please pray that the follow-up scan done on Monday will be totally clear. If any residue of the tumor remains, there would be a 20% chance that it might grow back. We will meet with Dr. Aldana on Tuesday to find out the results.
The infectious disease doctors have completed their follow-up blood tests, reporting that the infections are now healed. Therefore, they have released Buntheep from further treatment.
Physical therapy for Buntheep's knee pain will continue twice a day for several more months. However, as soon as we learn the exercises, we can do them by ourselves without visiting the therapy center. The knee pain stems from several causes: 1) recent growth spurts, perhaps caused by the tumor pressing on the pituitary gland, or maybe just a common problem that some preteen girls experience (her bones grew quickly, but her muscles and tendons are still struggling to catch up); 2) the long periods of inactivity while she was confined to bed rest in the hospital, making her recovery now longer and more difficult; and 3) the fact that the regimen of exercises pursued right after she began to walk again was a little too much too soon. In any case, now we have returned to square one, using a wheelchair for traveling long distances and doing basic stretches every day until the legs find their equilibrium again.
In addition to the requests mentioned above, please continue to pray for vision to return to Buntheep's right eye, for complete sense of smell to return to her nose, and for sensation and strength to return to the last two fingers on her left hand.
Buntheep and I have sensed God's presence through the love and help of so many people here in Jacksonville—especially from many of the doctors, nurses and administrators of the hospital and from the staff, volunteers, and residents of Ronald McDonald House, as well as from members of local churches and other individuals too.
At a local church last Sunday, Buntheep boldly gave testimony about God's miracles that brought her to Jacksonville for surgery, saving her from certain death due to the brain tumor. Members of the congregation were very moved and affirmed her with many kind comments. Then they took up an offering to help with her expenses while she remains in the United States.
During Buntheep's hospital stay, art therapists often came to draw and paint with her. Her room was always decorated with many colorful pictures that she had created. Now one of the therapists has chosen some of her artwork to be framed and displayed in the hospital. What an encouragement to our budding artist!
Another big encouragement recently was Buntheep's being chosen by "Dreams Come True" to experience a special shopping spree. She was asked to submit her suggested shopping list, and on the appointed day we rode in a limo to a local mall to shop. Half way through, we went out to eat at a restaurant and then returned to the mall again. Being in a wheelchair and still having stitches in her head did not detract one bit from Buntheep's fantastic day.
By God's grace, we now sense that we are nearing the end of our long journey toward healing. Thanks to all of you prayer partners for sticking with us through the many bumps and turns in the road. And of course, we will appreciate your continuing prayers to our miracle-working God for Buntheep's complete recovery.
In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep