February 19, 2008
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for His wisdom, power, and love! Even though His ways are often mysterious, I have learned after many years of walking by faith that He is always in control of everything, that He always has a purpose in everything, and that He makes all things work together for good in the end for those who truly belong to Him.
Today we have received some distressing news. Buntheep's MRI scans show that the tumor is growing back from two locations and has already reached 30-40 percent its original size. However, praise the Lord that Dr. Aldana is faithfully dedicated to pursuing a solution. Over the next few days, he will be consulting with numerous other physicians to decide what to do next. Please pray for wisdom for all the doctors, as well as for strength for Buntheep and me to face whatever lies ahead. We have already cried together, prayed together, and talked things through, but we are so very tired by this point and will need the "strength of eagles" to go on from here. And of course, please keep praying for Buntheep's complete healing in whatever way our miracle-working God may choose.
In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep