March 9, 2008
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Gioia called this evening to let me know that she would be having a liver biopsy tomorrow morning at 11 AM. She filled me in on some background, and asked me to email you to pray with her.
For some time now, Gioia has had certain enzymes that were elevated related to her liver. I don't really know much more than that she's been taking medication for it and has problems when she does not have access to the prescription medication she needs. Not too long ago, she met with the CEO of the health system that is paying for Buntheep's treatment. The doctor with whom she met asked her if she had any health issues herself that needed attention. She explained something of her situation, and was offered care to investigate what was going on and get her needed attention. She's been meaning to tell us about this in her emails, but since her computer time was limited and she needed to tell us things about Buntheep, she just never got around to it!
Well, the bottom line is that she saw doctors and a supply of her prescription medication (which was running out) was provided. In addition, the doctor wanted to do a biopsy of her liver to get additional insight into her condition. The biopsy is a procedure that is normally done in the morning and then if there are no complications she would go home at the end of that same day. That's the expected schedule for tomorrow. Care has been arranged for Buntheep during the day.
So, I'd like to suggest that we hold Gioia up before our Lord tomorrow, along with the doctors and medical personnel who will be involved. Let's pray for the medical people to have understanding and wisdom and know how to treat Gioia's condition. And let's pray for Gioia's peace of mind as Buntheep is cared for while she undergoes this procedure. God is good, and may He be glorified in all that takes place tomorrow concerning this biopsy, as well as interpreting it and determining what treatments are best. Let's ask God to protect Gioia's health, bring healing wherever it is needed, and enable her to continue serving Him.
--Joe Ginder