May 7, 2008
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
The Ronald McDonald House computers are finally functioning again! Hopefully, doing email will be a little bit easier from now on, although there are still only two RMH computers available for 30 resident families.
At the end of last week, Buntheep's check-up with the ophthalmologist following radiation therapy showed no apparent permanent damage to her good left eye! Also, that eye has now stopped "waxing and waning."
Since the end of last week, Buntheep has been complaining about decreased hearing in her left ear. Today, she was evaluated by Dr. Roy and his staff. One problem found was an unusual buildup of ear wax, which he has now suctioned out. Another problem is that the radiation apparently caused fluid to collect behind the eardrum. Dr. Roy hopes that the fluid will gradually decrease over time and that there will be no permanent hearing loss. In any case, even after just the wax was removed, Buntheep said that she could hear much better.
This coming weekend, the Ferrignos will be taking Buntheep and me to Orlando, where Buntheep will be a Disney princess and be able to visit EPCOT and other fun places.
Praise the Lord with us for all of these blessings and answers to prayer! Please continue to pray that the tumor will continue to shrink and disappear and that Buntheep will be protected from any further side effects from the radiation. Buntheep's follow-up MRI to check on the status of the tumor will be next Tuesday, May 13.
In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep