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May 15, 2008

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

Buntheep's follow-up MRI shows that the left and lower lobes of the tumor have remained unchanged in size since the last scan three weeks ago. However, the right lobe of the tumor has slightly increased in size. This increase may be due to swelling caused by the ongoing death of cells, or it may be due to the new growth of live cells. Because the tumor is still quite large (75% of its original size), and because it extends all around the perimeter of the cranial cavity, any new growth of live cells could quickly precipitate new emergencies threatening her eyes, ears, nerves, brain and life. Please continue praying for her protection and that the tumor will stop growing and die.

Dr. Aldana is still pursuing the possibility of obtaining the drug Calcitonin, which is believed to help shrink such tumors. Please pray that it will be available right away. Pray also that a local pediatric oncologist will volunteer to oversee the next phase of Buntheep's treatment. When she has become stable on the new medication and we are finally able to return to Cambodia, please pray that a nurse or doctor will volunteer to fly back with us to administer her daily injections and to monitor her care along the way.

While poised precariously on this plateau, Buntheep is actually feeling much better, although still easily fatigued and very occasionally having symptoms like headache, dizziness, or nausea. There is still slight numbness on the right side of her face. Her good eye and her ears remain stable. She has even regained her sense of smell that had disappeared for a while after the surgeries. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of hair loss at the sites on her skull where the radiation beams entered or exited. However, she has so much hair that it is possible to comb it in ways that cover those spots. The scars from the previous surgeries are now totally covered by new hair growth. The skin rashes and discolorations caused by the radiation and the steroids are gradually disappearing.

Although there has been some regression in the strength of her leg muscles and tendons due to inactivity during radiation therapy, we are now back on schedule with her physical therapy trying to catch up again. Please continue praying for her full physical recovery.

Buntheep's weekend at Walt Disney World in Orlando was very special, particularly getting to dress up like a princess and meeting the Disney princesses up close and personal. She also enjoyed going on some rides that did not whip her around too much (doctor's orders) and getting to eat some yummy food, like crab. During the past couple of weeks, Buntheep has also been treated to her first horseback ride (walking slowly!) and learning to swim in the shallow end of the Ferrignos' pool.

For the past six months, many people have sacrificed themselves trying to save Buntheep's life through many tests, medications, surgeries, therapies, radiation, and now drug therapy. However, we have always been (and still are) ultimately dependent upon God for her healing. Please pray for His perfect will for Buntheep. I personally believe that He will still restore her to health on this earth, so that she can dedicate her life to glorifying and serving Him, as she herself has already promised.

In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep

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