May 24, 2008
Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,
Little by little, Buntheep's transition to drug therapy is taking shape. The oncology staff at Nemours Clinic has accepted her as their patient. Novartis has donated a four month supply of the drug Miacalcin (Calcitonin), with the possibility of requesting more after evaluation of Buntheep's progress using the first round of medication. And while we are awaiting the arrival of the Novartis mailing, a donor has purchased enough of the drug to get Buntheep started right away. Praise God!
Yesterday, as an outpatient, Buntheep received her first injection of Miacalcin from a nurse at the hospital while I observed. Although the actual injection was painful, that discomfort gradually lessened with time. After several hours of observation, Buntheep thankfully did not manifest any allergic reactions! Again, praise God!
So far, mild side effects have included a stinging sensation in her throat, flushing of her face, and nausea and vomiting. Following the injection, Buntheep became quite hyperactive/giddy for several hours, which may have been a side effect of the medication, or may have just been anxiety-related. However, as usual, Buntheep remained cooperative, brave, and happy throughout the whole procedure.
During the observation period, the nurse gave me my first lesson in how to prepare and give a sterile injection, because (after a few days' training) I will be the one to continue administering her once-daily doses, unless someone else volunteers to assist me. Treatment will continue for up to 18 months to 2 years, or until the periodic MRI scans show that the tumor has shrunk and disappeared or has become completely calcified. The next follow-up MRI is scheduled for Tuesday, June 3.
There are a lot of important steps to remember in this seemingly "easy" medical procedure called an injection. Nurses probably take them all totally for granted. But the process is especially complicated for me because of the arthritis and past injuries to my fingers and hands. In any case, I am gradually figuring out how to compensate for that, as I practice giving saline injections to a "dummy." After my several days of training, I will be on my own, giving injections of this precious drug to our precious patient. Please pray for me to master this efficiently.
Now for some more good news! Follow-up auditory testing reveals that the minor hearing loss in Buntheep's left ear has slightly improved since last week! Please keep praying.
Our new friend, Linda Ferrigno, has continued to assist us in many practical ways, as well as to design fun outings for Buntheep. A few days ago, Buntheep got to tour historic St. Augustine in a horse and buggy and also to ride a colorful carousel in the park.
Thank you all for your continuing prayers. And thank you also for the encouraging email or card messages many of you have sent. Buntheep and I do read all of your messages and are comforted by them. Thanks so much for your financial gifts too. Please forgive me for not answering back right away. I'm sure you understand the reasons. However, in my heart I still hope to be able to personally answer each of your emails or cards sooner or later.
As we continue to pray for Buntheep's complete healing, let's also thank our Lord Jesus Christ for His faithful protection and provision in the midst of every trial.
In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep