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July 30, 2008

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

What a blessing it is to see Buntheep blooming again in her own environment! At a special Bear Party last weekend, she enjoyed distributing smartly dressed Build-a-Bears (donated by the Ferrignos) to all of the students. Then we had cake, ice cream, and Coke at Buntheep's request, funded by donations brought back from America. Buntheep and I are BEARY happy to be home!

As Buntheep has already shared with you in part two of her testimony, she is experiencing less and less side-effects from the Calcitonin, and also less and less symptoms from the tumor. Praise God! As soon as Dr. Andres returns from his trip, we will follow-up Buntheep's progress with MRI scans and blood and urine tests. We will keep you posted about results.

CCAM is committed to administering daily injections of Calcitonin for as long as necessary, and we are very optimistic about Buntheep's complete healing. Please keep praying with us for steady progress toward that goal. And please pray that my right hand will recover sufficiently to take over giving the injections when Roslyn returns to the U.S. in September.

Roslyn has been such an encouragement to us, helping us through many transitions from Jacksonville to Florence to Cambodia. While she remains with us here, she will be providing Buntheep's daily medical care (injections, medications, and physical therapy), as well as tutoring her in English and math each day during the time the other students are at dance class (since Buntheep is not yet strong enough to participate). Roslyn will also be teaching three levels of English classes in our school. So please pray for her health and strength, as she serves the Lord here with us. She has already been struggling with some stomach problems.

For the past couple of days, Buntheep has been sick with a cold, including fever, headache, and sore throat. But today she seems to feel much better, except for the sore throat. Please pray for her healing from this.

Following this email about Buntheep, I plan to begin updating you about other aspects of the CCAM ministry. Those emails will be posted in the CCAM Ministry Updates section of our website. However, future updates about Buntheep will continue to be posted here.

We pray God's blessing upon you all!

In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep

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