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August 11, 2008

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

Little by little, we are returning to our normal CCAM school schedule. However, every weekend so far, we have continued to celebrate Buntheep's homecoming with special events, like watching new videos, distributing gifts provided by many of you, and arranging times for Buntheep to share her own things with the other students.

So far, we have distributed the Build-a-Bears (Ferrignos), Disney washcloths (Brandi at Dreams Come True), and Crayola colored pencils and sharpeners (Marchmans). All of the CCAM students are very grateful for the gifts you have sent.

Yesterday, Buntheep and the other girls her age had a dress-up party, putting on make-up and taking turns donning Buntheep's many princess dresses provided by Linda Ferrigno. Then the girls took turns taking photos of themselves with Buntheep's digital camera, which she purchased on her Dreams Come True Shopping Spree in America.

Buntheep's recent bout with headache, fever, and sore throat that we reported last time did gradually subside. But then her sinuses became congested and she developed a cough. Several days later, the cough subsided, but the sinuses continued to be congested. Then Buntheep began to have minor nose bleeds when she blew her nose. Now the nasal congestion is less, but the nose bleeds continue about once or twice every day whether she blows her nose or not. To help heal any lesions, we've resumed using a saline nasal spray each day.

Dr. Andres, our regular school doctor, is out of town until later this month, so we asked Dr. Ivan to check Buntheep. He ordered some blood tests, which revealed that her blood is thin and not clotting well and that her diet needs to be reinforced with more calcium and protein. So for the past few days, we have been making sure that she eats extra foods rich in these nutrients, plus adding one more calcium supplement tablet to the ones she already takes.

Please pray that God will continue to heal Buntheep, causing the tumor to shrink and disappear. Pray also that her blood and immune system will return to normal and that the nose bleeds will cease. Thanks!

In His Hands,
Gioia and Buntheep

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